Vanessa & Brian

Vanessa & Brian

June 6, 2025 • Cross Roads, TX
84 Days To Go!
Vanessa & Brian

Vanessa & Brian

June 6, 2025 • Cross Roads, TX
84 Days To Go!

Our Story

Strangers in the Night

It all began one serendipitous, June evening in Dallas, Texas. Two strangers in the night, each with their own story, happened upon the same place, not knowing that fate was about to work its magic. They didn’t speak at first. No grand gestures or elaborate introductions ensued—just a simple glance across the room. For a brief moment, their eyes locked, and in that silent exchange, a spark ignited.

At first, neither knew what it meant, but the feeling lingered—as if this simple glance was the beginning of something extraordinary. What followed was a night of shared conversation, laughter, and easy comfort, as if the pair had known each other all their lives. As time passed, that initial glance grew into a deep bond, one built on moments both big and small.

They soon realized that what started as a fleeting encounter across a crowded bar had turned into something they couldn’t imagine living without. From that first spark, their journey together began—full of adventures, challenges, and a love that continues to flourish with each passing day. And now, as they stand at the threshold of forever, they can’t help but smile at the beautiful randomness of that first moment, and how it led to this incredible chapter in their lives.

But enough from me. Here is the story of the two love birds as only they can tell it—from both Vanessa and Brian’s perspective.

One thing I can assure you—it turned out so right for these two strangers in the night.

Vanessa’s Tale

It was June 10, 2022, just a typical Friday night in Dallas, Texas. My friends Kortni, Morgan, and I grabbed dinner at Sfuzzi, an Italian restaurant in Dallas proper. We ordered pasta, salad, and espresso martinis to fuel girls' night. After dinner, we rode over to the infamous Bottled Blonde, where we would see our favorite Dallas bartender and best friend, Jocelyn. We skipped the line and headed in for our first drink, not knowing what our night had in store.

We sipped, danced, and mingled. And in one passing moment, as I stood at the bar by myself, I saw Brian standing a few feet across from me. I went over, introduced myself, and learned that Brian was taking Austin out on the town for a little boys' night. Brian, glancing behind me, asked “who are you here with?” It was then that I pointed out my partners in crime. I then ordered us a round of tequila (Casamigos repo if you’re wondering) and chatted with Brian and Austin for a while. Before returning to girls night, Brian and I exchanged numbers and then departed ways.

Brian texted me the next day, reminded me who he was, and took me out for breakfast bright and early at First Watch. After breakfast, he was kind enough to take me to Target to pick out a gift for a baby shower I was attending that day. While in the stationary aisle of Target, I asked for Brian's opinion on gift wrap and instead of the same-ole response of "yeah, whatever you think", Brian made a grimaced face and said "no, that doesn't look good" and proceeded to choose a good gift bag/tissue paper combo. That Saturday, on June 11th, 2022, I thought Brian would be helping me choose gift wrap and tissue paper the rest of my life.

Brian’s Tale

It was an atypical night out—this wasn’t my usual evening scene. But, urged on by my good friend Austin, we waited outside in the crowded bar line. After being complimented on our attire from the management, we were promptly escorted into the bar, bypassing the line (I swear this surprisingly happened). I looked down at my tattered, Old Navy jeans from high school and felt a sense of pride knowing they could still impress after all these years.

The place was busy. Austin and I got a beer stood alone at the bar—the type of mingling in which we typically engaged. I wasn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary. But then, I saw her.

At first, it was just a fleeting glance, the kind you give someone without thinking much of it. But there was something different about hers. Something that made me pause, as the noise of the bar faded into the background.

I didn’t say anything at first. But I could not help but steal another glance. And this time, she smiled softly. I don’t know why, but I felt drawn to her in a way that I hadn’t felt before. Maybe it was the way her eyes sparkled, accentuated by an interesting choice of blue eye shadow. Whatever it was, I knew I had to talk to her.

Much to my surprise, she made her way over to me. The conversation was easy, despite Austin’s banter. It was like we had known each other for much longer than a few moments. We shared a drink and talked about everything and nothing. The night was getting late and it was time to part ways. I asked for her number and was pleasantly surprised when she gave me all seven digits. The rest after that, as they say, is history.